Common signs of Canine Separation Anxiety

Separation Anxiety in Dogs

Let’s face it…dogs are a social species that love spending time with us. I doubt any dog is excited when their owners leave them home alone. However, most dogs learn to tolerate being home alone. But what about the dogs that can’t?

Separation Anxiety is a generic description for dogs that perform certain persistent fear-based behaviors when their owners are absent. These behaviors may include:

  • Constant vocalization: whining, barking, howling.

  • Chewing/destroying: especially around exits - window frames, doors, floors.

  • Trying to escape: this can lead to self-injurious behaviors.

  • Urination/defecation: when it occurs in an otherwise fully house trained dog.

  • Fearful behaviors: shaking, whining, drooling.

  • Signs of anxiety: in particular, as the owner is getting ready to leave.

You dog does not have to have all of these symptoms in order to be diagnosed with Separation Anxiety.

There are other situations where a dog may show destructive tendencies, i.e. tearing up the sofa. This dog could just be bored/frustrated or under-exercised. One of the most telltale signs that a dog is suffering from SA is that the behavior is persistent until the owner returns.

Want to learn more about how we work with Separation Anxiety? Ready to set up a consultation and start training? Email us at:


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