Beyond the Door
Conquering Canine Separation Anxiety
A blog dedicated to Separation Anxiety and Separation Related Behaviors in Dogs
Special Announcement
Help! Part Two: My dog has Separation Anxiety, and I Can’t Afford a Private Trainer!
A follow up to what you can do for your dog when private coaching is not an option.
Exciting News!
I am thrilled to announce that I am now a Dynamic Dog Practitioner!
Let’s Talk About “Guidelines”
Humans are not particularly fond of ambiguity. For the most part, we prefer rules and structure compared to abstract concepts. This is why recipes, guidelines, and bullet point training plans are so attractive. Unfortunately, they are rarely the answer, BUT they can help you get over the hurdle until you have a better understanding of your dog, what their needs are, and how the training works.
What makes me a competent SA Trainer?
I’ve worn many hats in the animal industry: docent and educator, zookeeper, wildlife rehabilitator, neonate avian specialist, anuran breeder, behavioral researcher. When working with clients, I find myself constantly falling back on these other areas of expertise to problem solve a situation. It’s the culmination of this background and skills that makes me successful at my job.
Be a Better Zookeeper - The Basics - Part 1
Rather than fall back on, “My animal did this _______ undesired behavior”, I look to see how I can improve their environment and living conditions to make that undesirable behavior obsolete.
You Hired a Pro…Please listen to them
Your qualified trainer knows you, your dog, your home environment, background history, and has data on your dog’s progress. You paid them to help you solve your dog’s separation anxiety…let them do their job.
No, your dog is not a den animal
At last count, there are over 900 million domestic dogs in the world, with only about 17%-24% of them living as pets. That’s a lot of free roaming dogs! So we know quite a bit about dogs and denning habits. Primarily, dogs use dens when giving birth and raising puppies, defense against predators, and protection from bad weather. It’s important to note that these dens do not have a door, and the dogs are not confined to them.
Learn More About our Separation Anxiety Online Classes/Workshop
It is our goal to bring quality separation anxiety education to pet owners, and at a price level that fits different budgets. Private coaches are always best (ever tried to learn gym equipment and create a training plan on your own? It’s rough!), so I want pet owners to have other good options.
Is Behavior Medication the Right Choice for my Dog?
I can’t advise you about behavior medications because I am not a veterinarian or veterinary behaviorist. I CAN provide you with resources and point you in the right direction.
It’s Not Just About Duration
If you are constantly pushing the clock to get longer and longer durations without paying attention to what your dog is saying…you are building a very fragile foundation that will crumble with the smallest provocation. In my eyes, that is zero duration.
Help! My dog has Separation Anxiety, and I can’t afford a private trainer!
There is SO MUCH information on canine separation related behaviors (“SRBs”) on the internet. How do you decide what to trust, and what may be unhelpful, outdated, or dangerous advice? Here’s a cheatsheet to help you:
3 Things You Can do Right Now to Make Your Dog Happier
If your dog is suffering from separation related behaviors, there are a few things you can do right now to make them happier.
Changing Your Dog’s Fear of Being Alone
Canine separation anxiety (more accurately, separation related problems) is a phobia of being left alone. What I want to talk about here is how fear and/or anxiety manifest in outward behaviors, and how you could be missing your dog’s early warning signs.
How do I determine my dog’s baseline?
First, what is a baseline? A baseline is a reading of what your dog can currently handle without becoming upset. When we begin Separation Anxiety training, we want dogs to always stay below this tolerance level, even when determining baseline.
How do I know if it’s Separation Anxiety?
Is it possible your dog is not suffering from Separation Anxiety…but something else? Absolutely. They may have unmet physical and/or mental needs, illness, frustration, etc.
Be Like Mr. Miyagi -Building a strong foundation
Who can forget the scene from the 80s classic, The Karate Kid, where Mr. Miyagi gives Daniel his first “real” lesson in Karate. What was that lesson? Was it Gedan Mawashi Geri? Hiza Geri? Nope. Mr. Miyagi taught simple, fluid movements found in waxing a car, or sanding the floor.
Common signs of Canine Separation Anxiety
Let’s face it…dogs are a social species that love spending time with us. I doubt any dog is excited when their owners leave them home alone. However, most dogs learn to tolerate being home alone, but what about the dogs that can’t?